10 Skills You Need To Grow Your Creative Business


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We all have to start somewhere.

15 years ago I had a big dream, but no real plan.

left the corporate world of magazine publishing to follow a dream of working in the world of interiors on my own terms.

I wanted more financial, time and creative freedom.

But I had no business skills, no business experience, no money, and no one giving me advice or guiding me on my journey.

Fast forward to today and I’ve learned so much!

Come listen to the 10 skills that will set you up for success and set you free in your creative business.

It doesn’t matter if you’re starting your creative business or been in business for 1, 5 or 10 years or more, there are some really valuable reminders in this episode.


  • Stepping into your authentic power

  • Knowing there is a need in the market

  • Knowing and understand the whole picture of your business idea

  • Focusing on the person you’re helping

  • Knowing your numbers

  • Making data-driven decisions

  • Finding your people

  • Working smarter, not harder




Podcast production: Yaga Media


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