What does your home really say about you?


It is so easy to live by default, and not even notice our surrounds, but they reveal so much about us — who we really are, how we're living, and what we're prioritising in our lives. Come learn what your home is saying about you, and how you can take action to live more in alignment with what you value, and what you want to make a priority in your life.

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  • What I’ve learnt from stepping inside other people’s homes

  • How our homes relate to how we can live our best lives & align with our purpose

  • Tips to move from awareness to action

  • Questions to ask yourself to reflect on where you’re at

  • Ideas for taking action to live more in alignment

    Questions you can ask yourself

    1. Who do you want to be? (Right now, in 5 years time & in 10 years time)

    2. How do you want to live?

    3. How do you want to feel when you step through your front door?

    4. What do you want to see when you step through your front door? 5. What kind of materials, colours, textures or forms do you want to have in your space to create this feeling?
    6. How do you want guests to feel when they step through the front door?

    7. What’s not in alignment with how you want to live?

    8. How long are you going to live in this type of limbo?

    9. What can you do today to make a change or make a difference?


Podcast production: Yaga Media


Nicole Bijlsma on the importance of creating a healthy and low-toxic home


Louisa Grey on a more holistic approach to interior design